Workshop “Standardization of procedures in using UAS for environmental monitoring

Date: 6 November, 2019

Venue: Department of Civil Engineering, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)

We are pleased to inform that the next Workshop of the COST Action HARMONIOUS will be held at the University of Coimbra, in Coimbra, Portugal, on November 6th, 2019. The Workshop will focus on the Standardization of procedures in using UAS for environmental monitoring, and will be opened to all interested (scientific and technical communities, stakeholders). Come to Coimbra to find out about our activities!

Contributions from the scientific and technical communities are welcome and will be presented in oral and poster sessions.

Submit an Abstract (Deadline 30/07/2019)

In the following days after this workshop, there will be other activities reserved for COST HARMONIOUS members only: WG meetings (7/11/2019) and MC meeting (8/11/2019).

More info are available here:
