Theoretically derived distributions allow the detection of dominant runoff generation mechanisms as key signatures of hydrologic similarity. We used two theoretically derived distributions of flood peak annual maxima: the first is the “IF” distribution, which exploits the variable source area concept, coupled with a runoff threshold having scaling properties; the second is the Two Component-IF (TCIF) distribution, which generalizes the IF distribution, and is based on two different threshold mechanisms, associated with ordinary and extraordinary events, respectively. By focusing on the application of both models to two river basins, of sub-humid and semi-arid climate in Southern Italy, we present an ad hoc procedure for the estimation of parameters and we discuss the use of appropriate techniques for model selection, in the case of nested distributions.
How to cite: Iacobellis, V., M. Fiorentino, A. Gioia, S. Manfreda, Best Fit and Selection of Theoretical Flood Frequency Distributions Based on Different Runoff Generation Mechanisms, Water, 2(2), 239-256, (doi:10.3390/w2020239), 2010. [pdf]