r.hazard.flood is an implementation of a fast procedure to detect flood prone areas. It is based on a simple procedure that exploits the correlation between flood exposure and a Modified Topographic Index (MTI), calculated on the basis of the DTM and strongly influenced by the resolution of this latter.


Reference: Manfreda S., Di Leo M., Sole A., Detection of Flood Prone Areas using Digital Elevation Models, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, (10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0000367), 2011. [pdf]


He is Full Professor of Hydrology and Hydraulic Constructions at the University of Naples Federico II. He is currently chair of the IAHS MOXXI working group. His research primarily centers on hydrological modeling and monitoring. Recognizing the challenges posed by the complexity and limitations of traditional hydrological observations, he actively explores advanced and alternative monitoring techniques, such as the utilization of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) coupled with image processing.