Optimization of Flood Detention Basins Design
The design of hydraulic structures needs to account for a trade-off between implementation costs and flood damages, as well as for the impacts on basins hydrological responses over a wide…
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II - DICEA
The design of hydraulic structures needs to account for a trade-off between implementation costs and flood damages, as well as for the impacts on basins hydrological responses over a wide…
We are promoting a Special Issue on River Monitoring with the aim to provide an overview of the most advanced research activities in this field. The aim of the present…
VISION is open-source software written in MATLAB for video stabilisation using automatic features detection. It can be applied for any use, but it has been developed mainly for image velocimetry…
The identification of the second-order dependence structure of streamflow has been one of the oldest challenges in hydrological sciences, dating back to the pioneering work of H.E Hurst on the…
I’m proud to announce that our recent paper “Current Practices in UAS-based Environmental Monitoring” has been awarded with the Best Paper Award 2022 by Remote Sensing MDPI. This paper has…
DICEA of University Federico II is promoting the 3rd edition of the Mediterranean PhD Short School on “From sustainable to regenerative and resilient design”, which is scheduled from 10th to…
We are looking for very motivated and talented candidates for a Ph.D. scholarship on “Monitoring of water quality of natural rivers exploiting image processing techniques” (CU1.14) at Università degli Studi…
The e-book of the book “Appunti di Idrologia Superficiale” published by Editrice Aracne is now available online. SUMMARY: The text offers insights and insights into surface hydrological processes and with…
We had the great pleasure to meet, during our COST Action – HARMONIOUS General Assembly in Debrecen, the StoolTechnologies that has developed a new UAS with a payload of about…
Soil moisture (SM) is a connective hydrological variable between the Earth’s surface and atmosphere and affects various climatological processes. Surface soil moisture (SSM) is a key component for addressing energy…
Measuring object displacement and deformation in image sequences is an important task in remote sensing, photogrammetry and computer vision and a vast number of approaches have been introduced. In the…
University of Debrecen, Hungary Detailed program of the Workshop 08:30 – 09:30 Registration 09:30-09:50: László Bertalan, Brigitta Tóth: Welcome from local organizers09:50-10:05: Salvatore Manfreda – The achievements HARMONIOUS COST Action10:05-10:25:…
In recent years, extreme rainfall events are increasing both in number and intensity, but it is hard to identify specific trends and dynamics at regional level due to the strong…
Considering this year’s meeting situation, the organizing team has decided it is necessary to post-pone the event by one year to ensure for all participants a successful, safe on-site meeting…
Extreme rainfall events are increasing in both number and intensity at global scale; however, it is hard to quantify the impact of climate change at local scale given the strong…