Category: News

Apply for Ph.D. Position

If you look for a stimulating research environment in the field of hydrology, don’t miss the chance to apply for a Ph.D. scholarship at University of Naples Federico II. We…

World Water Day 2023

The world is facing a water crisis, with rising demand, diminishing resources, and the impacts of climate change exacerbating the situation. On World Water Day 2023, we are bringing together…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Dear Friend and Colleagues, Recent years have been filled with numerous and intense collaborations and relevant achievements. As we come to the end of the year, we wanted to take…

Call for Papers

We are promoting a Special Issue on River Monitoring with the aim to provide an overview of the most advanced research activities in this field. The aim of the present…

Best Paper Award Remote Sensing 2022

I’m proud to announce that our recent paper “Current Practices in UAS-based Environmental Monitoring” has been awarded with the Best Paper Award 2022 by Remote Sensing MDPI. This paper has…

Call for Ph.D. Candidates

We are looking for very motivated and talented candidates for a Ph.D. scholarship on “Monitoring of water quality of natural rivers exploiting image processing techniques” (CU1.14) at Università degli Studi…

HARMONIOUS meets StoolTechnologies

We had the great pleasure to meet, during our COST Action – HARMONIOUS General Assembly in Debrecen, the StoolTechnologies that has developed a new UAS with a payload of about…


University of Debrecen, Hungary Detailed program of the Workshop 08:30 – 09:30 Registration 09:30-09:50: László Bertalan, Brigitta Tóth: Welcome from local organizers09:50-10:05: Salvatore Manfreda – The achievements HARMONIOUS COST Action10:05-10:25:…

8th Galileo Conference in Naples (Italy)

Considering this year’s meeting situation, the organizing team has decided it is necessary to post-pone the event by one year to ensure for all participants a successful, safe on-site meeting…

Call for Abstract EWaS5

University of Naples Federico II and University of Thessaly are organizing the 5th EWaS (Efficient Water Systems) International Conference on “Water Security and Safety Management: emerging threats or new challenges?…

3D Models of the Cultural Heritage

UAS-based surveys and structure from motion (SfM) can lead to extraordinary and realistic 3D models to preserve our cultural heritage. In our recent applications, our members are developing new strategies…

Planning the future of Harmonious

The Department of Topography and Cartography of the Technical University of Madrid hosted our work group meeting of COST Action – HARMONIOUS from 27 up to the 30 of October.…