Ph.D. Student at University Federico II of Naples
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Email: awaisnaeem.sarwar@unina.it
Description of the Activities
Awais Naeem Sarwar’s research focuses on water resources management by designing and modeling Nature-based Solutions (NbS), especially in diverse and data-scarce environments. He investigates how hydrological modeling can optimize NbS like wetlands, green roofs, and rainwater harvesting systems under varying environmental and socio-economic conditions.
Key aspects include:
1. Hydrological Modeling for NbS: Developing and applying models to evaluate the effectiveness of NbS in mitigating flooding, improving water quality, and enhancing ecosystem services, while considering site-specific factors.
2. Enhancing the DREAM Model: Collaborating to improve the DREAM Model (Distributed Runoff, Evapotranspiration, and Antecedent Soil Moisture Model) for use in data-scarce regions like Southern Italy, integrating remote sensing, machine learning, and process-based modeling.
3. Integrating NbS into Planning: Exploring the combination of NbS and conventional engineering in urban and peri-urban areas, analyzing socio-economic and environmental benefits, and identifying implementation challenges.
The research provides actionable insights for policymakers and practitioners, emphasizing context-specific solutions that balance environmental, institutional, and socio-economic needs. It highlights the potential of NbS to address water management challenges sustainably and effectively.
1- Cammalleri, C., A. N. Sarwar, A. Avino, G. Nikravesh, B. Bonaccorso, G. Mendicino, A. Senatore, S. Manfreda, Testing trends in gridded rainfall datasets at relevant hydrological scales: A comparative study with regional ground observations in Southern Italy, Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, Volume 55, October 2024, 101950, 2024. [pdf]
2- Integrating Ecosystem and Geomorphology Insights with Stakeholder Perspectives for Nature-Based Solutions [AGU (American Geophysical Union), 2024] [https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Person/1319654]
3- Integrating Climatic, Ecohydrological, and Biogeochemical Models to Forecast CO2 Capture Potential through Enhanced Weathering in Southern Italy [AGU (American Geophysical Union), 2024] [https://agu.confex.com/agu/agu24/meetingapp.cgi/Person/1652686]